

Also effective as a disinfectant against SARS and COVID 19 !

  • Drinking water
  • Service water (cleaning of shower water, hand basin water, rinsing water, etc.)
  • Personal hygiene
  • Fountain
  • Reverse osmosis
  • Demineralized water (process water)

Statements from the experts

“Each year, 1.75 million nosocomial infections are diagnosed in Europe; as a result, 10 percent of the people affected – which makes nearly 175,000 – even die from their infections.  Increasing age and the body’s limited immune defense increase the risk of acquiring infections in hospitals.”

(Quote from Prof. Dr. J. Peter Guggenbichler, Clinic for Children and Adolescents at the University Hospital of Erlangen)

“German hospitals and nursing homes research into solutions to implement the best hygiene standards” (Quote from DGKH, German Society for Hospital Hygiene, publications by Dr. Klaus-Dieter Zastrow).

In addition to their professional services, hospitals and nursing homes nowadays also distinguish themselves by emphasizing their hygiene standards which are available for assessment on public websites and are a selection criterion to find the best facilities.
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